Moments of emotion at the ATLANTIC BATTLE MEMORIAL which is the only museum in continental France dedicated to the Battle of the Atlantic (1939-1945). Surface warfare and underwater warfare, diabolical and murderous. Mrs. Myriam Goetz-Rahgoshay, Director of the Dr Rahgoshay Museum in Badrood, presented the dolls to the german and french children and also to their parents and invited them to exchange a handshake there, as a sign of peace and friendship, in order to remember the historical events in which their ancestors participated, paying tribute to over 75,000 seafarers missing at sea, whose average age was 20, emphasising on the crews of merchant ships, the great forgotten of the victory. To mark the maritime character of the place, a monument depicts a helix and a rudder blade caught in a circle. The anchors of the ships sunk at sea and the countries flags are facing the sea, next to a German casemate still equipped with a cannon, itself in the center of other defense installations.
The memory of the Free French Naval Forces (F.N.F.L.), whose men came mostly from Brittany, is also honored and their flag exposed. Photos, maps and models help to remind free people of the world the sacrifice of those who perished at sea during this gigantic battle for freedom. We should never forget this! At the extreme west of Pen Hir Point a monument, in the shape of a cross of Lorraine, has been erected at the request of General "de Gaulle" in commemoration of the Breton sailors, the first companions of Free France.