Here the architectural heritage of a great wealth is inscribed in preserved landscapes between the edge of the Atlantic and the countryside where rivers of charm flow.
This city of Art and History celebrates its 95th festival on this day where more than 3000 dancers and musicians from 40 groups parade in the rain in traditional costumes from all over the Brittany.
Always faithful to its motto: "without yesterday and without tomorrow, today is not worth anything", this festival, dedicated to the richness of Breton culture and its diversity, has become a cornucopia of cultural abundance. Concerts, animations of all kinds, songs in the local language, presentations of old , contests to determine the best musicians or dancers ... and of course the election the new Queen! The historic heart of Quimper will once again vibrate with Celtic rhythm for the pleasure of more than 250,000 visitors.
Here you can watch a short video clip of this beautiful festival: