Cradles of the Lemon Festival, the Biovès Gardens have been dressed since 1936 in the colors of the sun in dazzling yellow and orange hues. Incredible decorations, some of which require nearly fifteen tons of citrus ...
Each year, it takes thousands of hours to make these ephemeral sculptures whose fruits are posed one by one ... The giant sculptures of citrus amaze and surprise the thousands of visitors.
The Biovès Gardens offer a walk through the delightfully kitsch and colorful world of Bollywood cinema, a world where music, spirituality, the beauty of nature participate in the intrigues of films.
Stories full of twists take place in the shadow of grandiose architectures of temples and palaces, under the impassive gaze of the statues of the gods, near a lotus fountain or in the buzz of overcrowded cities where rickshaw inevitably lead the beautiful heroines to a cinematic happy end.