Next to the hozkhaneh is the current kitchen with a collection of medicinal and aromatic plants of the region.
The clay pots exposed in front of the window used to be hung in ovens or Tanoor allowing the cooking of meals.
The room adjoining the kitchen is called "Mazif" which is a special room for receiving guests who comfortably sit on benches built with bricks and covered with cushions.
This room has been transformed into a music room which displays traditional Iranian music instruments.
Musical instruments from Iran have had a difficult history because of the ultra-orthodox interpretation of the Qur'an by Shiites regarding the role of music. Sometimes tolerated, sometimes banned, they remained very sober, very small and have received little development. They are more spread in other countries through the influence of Persian culture.
Different instruments are displayed :
Plucked instruments like Tar, Setar,Qanun and Tambur
String instruments like Kamanchae and Ghaychak
Struck string instrument like Santur
Wind Instruments like Nay (flute) and Accordion
Percussion instruments like Daf and Tombak.
Other international instruments also appear like violin, balalaika, guitar and accordion. The gramophone allows to listen to an important collection of old sounds records.